MEXT Minister Masahito Moriyama visits Kavli IPMU

September 11, 2024
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU, WPI)


On Monday, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Minister Masahito Moriyama visited The University of Tokyo Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU, WPI) on Kashiwa campus.

After hearing an introduction about the Kavli IPMU and its research from Director Jun’ichi Yokoyama, Minister Moriyama was shown to the 3rd floor Piazza Fujiwara, where he engaged in talks with Kavli IPMU Project Professor Naoki Yoshida, Professor Yuji Tachikawa, Project. Associate Professor Jia Liu, and Project Researcher Kateryna Vovk.

MEXT Minister Masahito Moriyama hears an introduction to the Kavli IPMU (Credit: Kavli IPMU)
MEXT Minister Masahito Moriyama is shown around the Kavli IPMU (Credit: Kavli IPMU)
Kavli IPMU researchers in conversation with MEXT Minister Masahito Moriyama (Credit: Kavli IPMU)