There will be a power interruption in the Kashiwa Campus due to an inspection of the electric facility.
Date: September 16th, 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 9:00 - 18:00
Area: Kashiwa Campus (except nursery and electric car warehouse)
Please note the followings.
- Network will stop in the Kavli IPMU buildings.
- Mail service will NOT stop. (Excluding some mailing list services)
- Kavli IPMU web site will NOT stop. (Excluding member lists and member introduction pages)
- Refrigerators will not work.
- Water supply will not work.
- Most of servers including calculation servers at Kavli IPMU will stop from 16:00 of Friday, September 15th until 10:00 of Tuesday, September 19th.
(Because two days after the power maintenance date is a holiday, the shutdown period will be longer than in previous years.) - Kavli IPMU building will be completely CLOSED and LOCKED during the interruption for security reasons.
- Please shutdown your PCs and servers before you leave your office on Friday, September 15th.
- Please do not leave any valuables in your offices, and make sure to lock up your offices.