The Prize of AIJ 2011 to Hidetoshi Ohno

April 12, 2011
Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU)

The Prize of AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan) was awarded to Hidetoshi Ohno, a professor of Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, for his contribution to the design of IPMU research building.

This prize is presented to the excellent design of architectures (including gardens, interiors and others) that are contructed mainly in Japan in recent years, and contribute significantly to the progress of engineering and art.

The IPMU research building, with five stories and slightly less than 6,000m2, has a unique design called "Spiraling Academia". It features a large and comfortable space for people to interact, resembling cafes in a town square in Europe. It represents an ideal environment for researchers to gather and start discussion.

The award ceremony will take place on May 30, 2011 at the annual meeting of the AIJ.