Nov 12 - Dec 6, 2013
Kavli IPMU Bldg. 3F Piazza Fujiwara
* Party Nov 29, 18:00-21:00 @3F Piazza Fujiwara
See more images at Kavli IPMU Arts Society web page.
Open call for art exhibition participants
This exhibition is open for everyone in Kavli IPMU. Please put images of any "Criticality, Limit, Edge" you find at your research work and/or private life, in the open exhibition by yourelf. Once they are all exhibited together, it will be a wonderful opportunity to explore unexpected connections between them.
Does "Criticality, Limit, Edge" ring your bell? Browse your archive of images and look for anything that triggers your inspiration.
- Criticality; "pertaining to a state, value, or quantity at which one or more properties of a substance or system undergo a change."
- Limit; "the final, utmost, or furthest boundary or point as to extent, amount, continuance, procedure, etc."
- Edge; "a line or border at which a surface terminates. a line at which two surfaces of a solid object meet"
- Step 1. Look into your dormant images for "Criticality, Limit, Edge"
- Step 2. Print it out with the usual A3 paper.
- Step 3. Bring it to the exhibition place.
- Step 4. For each image, fill out the information slip, available in the exhibition place and staple it.
- Step 5. Put it with tape.
- Put images up by yourself through the exhibition period, or send the images to
- ANY images (graphs, computer generated images, drawings, photographs...) are welcomed.
- Images both from your Research Work and from Private Life is welcomed.
- Each image must have a prescribed information slip, available in the exhibition place.
- Use usual A3 paper for printout.
- Multiple submission is welcomed.
- Submission of other formats (moving images or sounds..) is possible. Contact us!
Contact & Submission (Kavli IPMU Arts Society)