December 28, 2016
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU)
On December 27, 2016, Kavli IPMU Project Professor and Professor at the Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo, Naoki Yoshida was awarded the 13th Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Award. The award ceremony is to be held at The Japan Academy (Taito Ward, Tokyo) on February 8 (Wednesday), 2017.
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Award recognizes and supports young researchers (under 45 years) who have outstanding research achievements in all fields of humanities, including social sciences and natural sciences, and helps to develop Japan’s research to the global standard. Twenty-five young researchers have been recognized this year. The prize was inaugurated in fiscal 2004.
Professor Yoshida received the award for his “study of structure formation in the early Universe based on large-scale numerical simulation”; structure formation and evolution of the early Universe using supercomputer simulations; formation of the first stars; and successful co-development of the high-performance computer program GADGET. His research has had a great influence in astronomical observation.
Related link:
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Award
Related article:
Kavli IPMU News Vol.27 (September 2014)
“Putting the Universe on a Computer”