Hiroaki Aihara

Hiroaki AiharaHiroaki Aihara 

Particle experimentalist. Past research activities include experiments at PEP electron-positron collider at SLAC, Tevatron proton-antiproton collide at Fermilab and B factory at KEK. Major research achievements are significant contributions to 1995 discovery of the top quark and 2001 discovery of particle-antiparticle asymmetry in the B meson system. I am currently involved in a neutrino oscillation experiment at J-PARC accelerator and starting up a dark energy survey with a new wide-field CCD camera mounted on Subaru Telescope.

Science is intriguing, but studying science is more intriguing. However, the pinnacle is to study the universe using mathematical and physical approaches. This simple mindset is the driving force behind IPMU, and is possibly the most important factor for attracting world-class researchers to IPMU. At IPMU, we conduct enthralling research, regardless of nationality, sex, and age. All that is necessary to be a part of IPMU is a devotion to science and a constant drive for exploration. We fully believe that such a research environment will naturally cultivate outstanding achievements and new discoveries. Whether IPMU develops into a truly world-renowned center depends on how seriously we take this mindset and our resolve to advance science.

The research topics to be pursued at IPMU are very challenging, and may not lead to immediate results. It is possible that twenty or thirty years will pass before we obtain significant results. However, we intend to persevere with our research objectives until we learn the true identity of dark energy and dark matter, fully understand the grand unified theory, and unlock the mystery of neutrinos. To reach our goals, we will employ all our current knowledge and technology, and develop new ones, if necessary. Moreover, we intend to combine the wisdom of people from around the globe in mathematics, physics, and astronomy, and to reach beyond the constraints of existing systems and language barriers. These ideals are the guiding principles for designing and managing the research organization called IPMU.

At IPMU, active researchers at the forefront of extremely segmentalized disciplines, including mathematics, physics, and astronomy, will come together to form one new, integrated organization. Questions that we will be answered include, "What will result from the unique approach of IPMU?" and "What breakthroughs will be made in science?" Although the approach of IPMU has many unknowns, advances in science have always involved risks. Thus, we believe that IPMU is an ideal environment for young, ambitious researchers, who are willing to expand their horizons, regardless of their original country of origin. Moreover, we strongly believe that young students in Japan no longer have the option of remaining indifferent toward science. Young Japanese students are extremely fortunate to have the rare opportunity for personal fulfillment by studying extremely interesting science, and perhaps changing the world through their endeavors at IPMU. Be ambitious, young people! We invite you to join us and become an engine for future science at IPMU.