Earthquake on Mar 11 (updated on Apr6)

A big earthquake (Magnitude 9.0) occurred 24km below the sea off the Sanriku region (northern pacific coast)  at 14:46(JST) on Friday, March 11.

We suffered 6 lower quake on the Japanese earthquake scale in Kashiwa area and it was very strong. An intermittent aftershocks following the main quake will be expected for the time being. Please secure your safety.

  • 1 Please keep us updated about your situation. Send email to secretary _at_ .
  • 2 Pay attention to the following website and gather accurate information on the situation.
  • 3 If you are looking someone or have some information about someone the following website might be useful.
  • 4 Information of Disaster Message Dial offered by Phone Services Companies is available. Please check the website of your telephone carrier. 

    *1 Land line, cell phone, PHS, public phone are available. The voice prompt is played back only in Japanese.You can leave message and your family and your friend can hear the message in domestic area.
    *2 Applicable models are limited. A prepaid cell-phone is applicable. Check the website above.

  • 5 Prepare the aftershocks
    <If indoors>
    DROP to the floor, take COVER by getting under a sturdy table andHOLD ON to protect yourself until the shaking stops. Do not rush outside.

    2 Turn off every heating devices (gas, stove, heater, etc) quickly after shaking stops. Gas will be automatically shut down  to avoid fire in case of big earthquake and you need to do some prcedure to recover. We will provide young the information soon.
    3 Secure the exit by opening a door or window to evacuate after the quake stops.

    <If outdoors>
    Stay there. Move to a clear area if you can safely do so; avoid power lines, trees, signs, buildings, vehicles, and other hazards.

    <If near the shore>

    Evacuate to high ground as a tsunami might have been generated by the earthquake.
  • 6 Travel minimum as possible and keep away from the coast

Even though IPMU was largely unaffected, we are deeply concerned about those under great difficulties.  Here is a list of a few organizations that accept donations for disaster relief.  (NB: we are not in the position to any particular organizations and this list of URLs is for your information only.)