September 20, 2024
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU, WPI)

Kyoto University Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Professor and Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU, WPI) Visiting Senior Scientist Tadashi Takayanagi is one of four physicists who have received this year’s ICTP Dirac Medal, announced the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP).
The ICTP Dirac Medal was established in 1985, and is named after the pioneering theoretical physicist of the 20th century Paul Dirac. The medal recognizes important contributions to theoretical physics, and this year it has recognized achievements in quantum entropy in gravity and quantum field theory. Recipients were announced on August 8, the same day as Dirac’s birthday.
The ICTP recognized Takayanagi, and the other researchers, for their work on the ability of particles to continue being correlated even when they are far apart. A property known as “entanglement”. In 2006, Takayanagi published a paper with Princeton University Professor Shinsei Ryu, who has also received this year’s Dirac Medal, titled, “Holographic derivation of entanglement entropy from AdS/CFT”, which uncovered a link between quantum information theory in the microscopic world and gravity theory in the macroscopic world. Today, the Ryu-Takayanagi formula is widely used by researchers to explain things including aspects of black holes and holography.
“I am greatly honored to have received this year’s Dirac medal for my work in theoretical physics. Shinsei and I have had many stimulating discussions on this topic for almost 20 years and I consider him an extremely valuable research partner and friend. Also, I am very grateful to the other medalists, Horacio Casini and Marina Huerta, who have constantly stimulated me with their outstanding works since the beginning of this field. I hope to use this award to further motivate myself to do greater research in the future,” said Takayanagi.
Takayanagi was a Project Associate Professor at Kavli IPMU between 2008 and 2012, before becoming a Visiting Senior Scientist. He currently carries out research in quantum gravity theory, studying various things including superstring theory, solid state physics and quantum information theory.
Related links
DIRAC MEDAL 2024 (2024 Dirac Medalists)
About the Dirac Medal
Tadashi Takayanagi’s website
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