President and CEO of the Kavli Foundation, Bob Conn, to retire

July 1, 2020
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU)

On July 1, 2020 (June 30, local time), the Kavli Foundation announced that Robert W. Conn will retire as president and CEO of the Foundation on December 31, 2020. Mr. Conn served as the second chairman of the Kavli Foundation, and made immense contributions to its further development.


Upon the announcement, Ooguri Hirosi, Director, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU), said:  “On behalf of the Kavli IPMU, I would like to thank Bob for his leadership at the Foundation and for his support for basic sciences. The partnership between the Kavli Foundation and the Kavli IPMU that Bob secured and nurtured will continue to help us uncover mysteries of the Universe, teaching us our place in this beautiful world. It has been a pleasure to work with him for the last twelve years. I wish him all the best for his next adventure.”

Robert W. Conn, president and CEO of the Kavli Foundation, said:  “This past decade or more has been an extraordinary journey. The privilege of leading the Kavli Foundation through a period of extraordinary growth, seizing opportunities all along the way to advance science for the benefit of society, and helping the public understand the role and importance of science to their lives, has been for me a special life experience. Nothing is accomplished alone. It has taken an extraordinary staff and board of directors working together to achieve the impact we have had over time. To all my colleagues at the foundation and to all those partners around the globe with whom I’ve worked so closely, I express my deepest gratitude.” 

For more information, please see the Kavli Foundation’s announcement: