The series of POLARBEAR receivers is either in observations and in development toward the deployment as Simons Array program. We closely collaborate with KEK and also the team in the US, including the UC Berkeley. POLARBEAR has reported the first observations of the B-mode signal of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), and successive observations are accumulating more data to be reported. The ground-based projects are not only after the inflationary physics but also sensitive to the physics of late universe, i.e. the cosmological parameters that are coupled to the large-scale structure of the universe, e.g. the total mass of neutrino.
Simons Observatory (SO)
The heritage of the world ground-based CMB telescopes is now gathered and there is a coherent effort to put a high-sensitivity telescope and receiver. The project is supported by the Simons foundation in the US, and the Japanese team is playing a key role to provide the test facility, including the world largest superconducting detector focal plane. The expected first light of the SO is early 2020 and this is a step stone toward the CMB Stage-IV.
(Last update: 2018/05/31)