August 1, 2022
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU)
Hirosi Ooguri, Director of the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU), gave the closing talk at Strings 2022, the flagship international conference on string theory. More than 400 participants from all over the world attended the conference held in Vienna, Austria from July 18 to 22.
Kavli IPMU was well-presented at the conference. In addition to Ooguri’s closing talk, Project Researcher Emily Nardoni, and Visiting Senior Scientist Susanne Reffert, who was a Kavli IPMU Project Researcher and is currently Professor at the University of Bern, also gave invited plenary talks.
"Strings 2022 was a wonderful opportunity for the community of string theorists to come together after the two years of social isolation, to hear about the latest developments on all aspects of string theory, to exchange ideas, and to open new directions of research. After seeing Strings 2020 and 2021 became virtual, it takes courage, commitment, and enormous effort by the organizers to plan and execute such a successful in-person conference. I am grateful to them for their work. I am pleased that, in addition to my closing talk, Emily and Susanne, who are affiliated to the Kavli IPMU, were also given the opportunities to deliver their plenary talks. The prominence of the Kavli IPMU at this premier international conference shows the strength of our research activities in this important area of theoretical physics." Ooguri said.
Related links
Strings 2022 website
Summary talk (video)