September 10, 2024
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU, WPI)

This coming October 25th (Fri) and 26th (Sat), The University of Tokuo Kashiwa campus will host Kashiwa Open Campus: Knowledge Adventure!
- TIME & DATE: 10:00am - 4:30pm, October 25th (Fri) and 26th (Sat)
- VENUE: The University of Tokyo Kashiwa Campus
- HOW TO ACCESS THE VENUE: A free shuttle bus will be available from Kashiwanoha Campus Station (Tsukuba Express line)
- For more details, go to the University of Tokyo Open Campus Kashiwa 2024 website (Japanese and English)
* Please note, the car park within the campus will not be available. Please use public transport, the free shuttle bus, or bike (bike stands will be available).
Kavli IPMU Events
This year, some events will be streamed live online, and will be available to watch afterwards on archive for a week (until November 3->10).
Lecture: Exploring an Expanding Universe with the Subaru Telescope

- Time & Date: 2:00pm - 3:00pm, October 25 (Fri)
- Venue: Lecture Hall (1F) (note: seats will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Once we have reached full capacity, we may not be able to allow any more people inside the venue)
- Speaker: Masahiro Takada
- Title: Deputy Director, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe
- About the talk:
Thanks to advances in physics, astronomy, and observational technology, we have been able to explain many things about our expanding universe using the Standard Model. However, this model needs to assume the existence of dark matter and dark energy. Kavli IPMU researchers are leading an international effort to study our expanding universe using data from the Subaru Telescope, 4200m above sea level in Hawaii. I will talk about the latest results.
* Online participation will be available. This event also will be recorded and available to watch online for a week following Open Campus.
Lecture: The Beginning and End of our Universe

- Time & Date: 11:00am - 12 noon, October 26 (Sat)
- Venue: Lecture Hall (1F) (note: seats will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Once we have reached full capacity, we may not be able to allow any more people inside the venue)
- Speaker: Jun'ichi Yokoyama
- Title: Director, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe
- About the talk:
The stars and galaxies we see spread out across the night sky came to be because of a rapid expansion called inflation that occurred right before the Big Bang. Observational data dating from last century to today has made it clear we are currently in a second inflation phase, caused by the mysterious dark energy. What this means is that the beginning of our universe and its future are very similar to one another. So, by using modern physics we can reincarnate our universe! I will talk about the universe as depicted by modern physics.
* Online participation will be available. This event also will be recorded and available to watch online for a week following Open Campus.
Experience mathematics through traditional Japanese flower arrangements!
- Time & Date: 1:00pm - 2:00pm, Oct 26 (Sat)
- Venue: Seminar Room B (1F) (note: to take part in this event, you need to sign up at the Kavli IPMU front desk first. Registration opens at 10AM and seating is limited)
- Speaker: Yukari Ito
- Title: Professor, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe and 1st Term Ohara Master's Course Headmaster Professor
- About the talk:
Ikebana is a traditional Japanese cultural art form, which recreates the seasonal appearance of trees, plants, and flowers at home. In the practice of ikebana, the first lesson is about "kata" (form). Kata has been perfected over a long period of time, but the kata Japanese people find beautiful can also be expressed mathematically. In this lecture, I would like to introduce the history of ikebana, the "kata" of ikebana, and lead you to enjoy your experience about the "dimension" of ikebana.
Science Onsen
While "science cafes" began in England, we have adapted the concept and present a Japanese-style "science onsen" or "science hot spring". In this year's science onsen we invite two experts to talk about axions, an undiscovered particle that is also a candidate for dark matter, from the perspective of natural sciences from the Middle Ages, a time when mathematics and physics had not yet separated into separate fields, and the world was viewed in a different way from today.
- Time & Date: 3:00pm - 4:00pm, October 26 (Sat)
- Speakers: Ippei Obata (Theoretical physicist, Kavli IPMU Project Researcher), Gakki (Kinmirai Gakki Director)
- Venue: Lecture Hall (1F) (note: seats will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Once we have reached full capacity, we may not be able to allow any more people inside the venue)
* Online participation will be available. This event also will be recorded and available to watch online for a week following Open Campus.
Film screening: Secrets of the Surface: The Mathematical Vision of Maryam Mirzakhani
The Fields Medal is often referred to as the Nobel Prize of Mathematics. In 2014, Maryam Mirzakhani became the first Iranian and first woman mathematician to be awarded the Fields Medal. The Kavli IPMU assisted in making the Japanese subtitles. (Credit: zala films)
- Time & Date: 3:30pm - 4:30pm, October 25 (Fri)
- Venue: Lecture Hall (1F) (note: seats will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Once we have reached full capacity, we may not be able to allow any more people inside the venue)
* Online participation will be available.
Backstage Tour of Kavli IPMU
The award-winning design of the Kavli IPMU building has been praised for creating a home for scientists that allows people from different countries and different fields to get to know one another. Join one of our tours to get a behind-the-scenes look.
- Tour duration: 30 - 40 minutes
- Starting Time and Dates:
- October 25 (Fri): 11:00am, 12 noon, 2:30pm, 3:30pm
- October 26 (Sat): 11:00am, 12:30pm, 1:15pm, 2pm, 2:45pm, 3:30pm
- Starting point: Front desk (1F)
- Each tour is limited to 20 people. Tickets are available at the Kavli IPMU reception. 11am - 1:15pm tour tickets will be available from 10am on the day. 2pm - 3:30pm tour tickets will be available from noon on the day. All tickets will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis.
Peek inside a Kavli IPMU Laboratory!
We will open the doors to Kavli IPMU's Laboratory during open campus. Come and see what kind of research goes on.
- Time & Date: 10:00am - 4:30pm, October 25 and 26
- Venue: Laboratory B (1F)
Research at Kavli IPMU
Have a look at the research Kavli IPMU researchers have been doing. Researchers and graduate students will be available to answer your questions about the universe.
- Time & Date: 10:00am - 4:30pm, Oct 25 (Fri) and 26 (Sat)
- Venue: Seminar Room A (1F)
*Other exhibits: A replica of the Hyper Suprime-Cam is located outside the Kavli IPMU building. A photo take by the Hyper Supreme-Cam is on display on the 1F. The Belle II Experiment's Silicon Vertex Detector is on display on the 1F.
Kavli IPMU Stamp Rally
Stamp stations have been set up in different locations on the 1F, can you find all of them and complete the multi-layered picture?
- Time & Date: 10:00am - 4:30pm, October 25 (Sat) and October 26 (Sat)
- Venue: Laboratory B (1F)
Bookmark making workshop!
Make your own space or Kavli IPMU-themed bookmark!
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Time & Date: October 25 (Fri) 1st round: 11:00am, 2nd round: 4:00pm
- Venue: Seminar Room B, 1F
- Each workshop is limited to 8 people. Tickets are available at the Kavli IPMU reception from 10am on a first come, first serve basis.
Note: This workshop is appropriate for elementary school children ages and above. Pre-elementary school children may also take part, but we ask that a caregiver also be present.