Hirosi Ooguri elected Honorary Trustee for Life of the Aspen Center for Physics

21 August 2023
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU)


大栗博司 Kavli IPMU 機構長
Kavli IPMU Director Hirosi Ooguri (Credit: Hirosi Ooguri)

Hirosi Ooguri, Director of the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, has been elected an Honorary Trustee for Life of the Aspen Center for Physics.

The Aspen Center for Physics was established in 1962 to nurture cutting-edge research in physics and related disciplines by providing a unique physical and scientific environment ideally suited for stimulating interactions, collaborations, and innovation. Every year, more than 1,000 physicists from around the world come to the Center, located in Aspen, Colorado, to ponder, argue, and discover the new ideas that underlie advances in science and technology. The Center is an independent non-profit corporation not affiliated with any university and run by scientists and a small number of administrative staff.

Ooguri served as a General Members of the Center for 20 years from 2003 to 2023, a Trustee from 2011 to 2016, the President from 2016 to 2019, and is currently the Chair of the Board of Trustees. He was elected an Honorary Trustee for his "exceptional contributions to the leadership and operations of the Aspen Center for Physics."

Past honorary trustees include Phillip Anderson (1977 Nobel Laureate), Hans Bethe (1967 Nobel Laureate), Murray Gell-Mann (1969 Nobel Laureate), Leon Lederman (1988 Nobel Laureate), and Robert Wilson (Founding Director of Fermilab).


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Related Links
Aspen Center for Physics
Hirosi Ooguri’s website